San Diego Metropolitan (Uptown Examiner/Daily Business Report)
[Excerpt] Alex Zikakis of Capstone Advisors noted the need to make money in every part of the real estate cycle and to make changes to one’s business model to stay ahead of the trends. He reflected, however, on the dangers of being too opportunistic in a down market and being “too quick to pull the trigger.” (Read More)
Investment: Distressed Asset Investors Focus On Operating Partners – California Real Estate Journal
Investors with funds for acquiring distressed commercial real estate and troubled mortgages are looking not only for assets managers but experienced operating partners to help them handle the properties they acquire, according to a panel assembled by the San Diego chapter of NAIOP, the commercial real estate development association, on Nov. 10 at the Marriot San Diego Del Mar. Read full story
‘Vultures’ circling commercial properties
Now that the housing crash appears to be nearing bottom, all eyes have turned to offices, hotels and other commercial real estate as the next properties that might be poised to collapse.
So-called vulture investors have begun popping up in search of troubled commercial buildings, which they hope to acquire at steep discounts… (See More)